Java library to write less code (enhancements for reflection, properties, collections, and other shortcuts)
I like to express a lot of logic by writing as little as possible. This library helps me to write really concise code.
API Reference
- A: fixed size arrays (A2, A3, A4, A5) with generics to enforce type safety, with static methods to create and organize them in Lists, Sets and Maps
- F: class that allows getter objects creation and use, to collect simple and complex properties into Lists and Maps; it is also possible to represent method invocations for later use
- FlashMap: Map implementation optimized for memory and really small datasets
- FlashSet: Set implementation optimized for memory and really small datasets
- LitheString: Class for String compression
- X: general utility static methods
Code Example
List<T> list = ... ;
Gate<T,PROPERTY2TYPE> gate = F.$(list).gate(F.y? null : F.o(list).getProperty1().getProperty2(),"getProperty1().getProperty2()");
List<PROPERTY2TYPE> listValues = gate.onList(list); //getProperty1().getProperty2() is called on every T in list
SOMEOBJECT obj = ...;
Erg<SOMEOBJECT> erg = F.$(obj);
Call<SOMEOBJECT> call ="someMethod");
if (F.never) {
call.on(obj); // calls obj.someMethod();
SOMEOBJECT obj = ...;
Demon<T,RETURNTYPE> demon = F.$(obj).demon(F.y? null : obj.methodWithParams(F.o(Parameter1.class),F.o(Parameter2.class)),"methodWithParams()");
Parameter1 parameter1=...;
Parameter2 parameter2=...;
RETURNTYPE ret=demon.on(obj,parameter1,parameter2); // calls obj.methodWithParams(parameter1,parameter2)
- lithedream